The Chapel of Saint Blaise
Why is this place so important ?
A Romanesque chapel that is typical of Provence, the Chapel of Saint Blaise is characteristic of the sobriety and simplicity of this type of edifice, which was built in the Middle Ages.
The chapel, which formerly belonged to the confraternity of weavers and wool carders, of which St Blaise was the patron saint, was built in the twelfth century. The chapel, which has a rectangular plan, is very simple like many small Romanesque chapels that one might come across on the roads of Provence. Its facade contains a doorway with a semi-circular arch, whose upper section is rounded and surmounted by an oculus and a steeple.
In detail
Around the Chapel of Saint Blaise can be seen many fossilised shells. Millions of years ago, the Vallée des Baux was in fact just a vast stretch of water. The rocky outcrop on which the Castle of Les Baux stands was formed after a tectonic uplift.
Did you know?
The film La Provence vue du ciel (‘Provence from above’) is continually screened in the chapel. Accompanied by Mozart’s Piano Concerto No. 21, the fifteen-minute film takes you on a journey of discovery of the finest monuments and landscapes in Provence.